EP250 Am I a Witch? Magic & Manifestation Secrets with Mia Magik, Headmistress of WITCH SCHOOL

Cliterati, today we’re talking about magic and witchcraft and how this can support you in living your best pleasure positive life!
Magic isn’t just some fantasy romanticized by Harry Potter, you can actually cast spells for whatever you desire on areas of life such as relationships, pleasure, abundance, and self-expression.
In the studio today, we have the Headmistress of WITCH SCHOOL. She is all about turning pain into power, pleasure, purpose & prosperity.
She says “Let IntuWitchin be Your Spirit’s Guide.”
She supports people with discovering how to source their own magik from within! Please welcome Manifestation and Spiritual Healing Witch Mia Magik!
In the episode you will learn about:
✔️ What witchcraft is really all about
✔️ The 5 signs that you are a witch
✔️ Why manifestation isn’t working for you
✔️ How to start manifesting
✔️ The secret to claiming the goddess energy within ourselves?
✔️ The magical powers of your period blood
✔️ How to get witchy rich and turn pain into power, pleasure, purpose, and prosperity.
Stay Connected with Mia Magik
Sign Up for Mia’s Free Workshop - Awaken Your Infinite Magik - February 7th at 10am PST - https://www.miamagik.com/awaken-your-magik
Instagram | https://www.instagram.com/p/Cmj9fu1B_Pe/
Website | https://www.miamagik.com/
Tune into our new episode on YouTube - https://youtu.be/7Zh1QZJYUYA
Tune Into This Week’s Episode of The Pleasure Positive Podcast - by Clit Talk
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