Pelvic Floor Health: Supercharge Orgasms, Outsmart Common Pelvic Floor Issues & Amplify Pleasure with Courtney Virden

Pelvic Floor Health: Supercharge Orgasms, Outsmart Common Pelvic Floor Issues & Amplify Pleasure with Courtney Virden

Another VIP episode in the books. Tune into this live podcast where we invited our VIP members to join us and our special guest, Courtney Virden, a pelvic floor expert, for an 'on air' pelvic floor exercise. Courtney educates us on pelvic floor health and teaches listeners how to have a healthy pelvic floor and strong orgasms.


00:04:47 Connect with your pelvic floor.

00:06:09 Pelvic floor exercises are important.

00:12:47 Pelvic floor exercises are important.

00:19:27 Empowerment through pelvic floor workouts.

00:22:05 Pelvic floor health is important.

00:29:11 Listen to your body.

00:34:03 Embrace discomfort for personal growth.

00:38:01 Tap into pelvic floor strength.

00:43:19 Relaxing the pelvic floor is important.

00:51:11 Pelvic floor health is important.


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Pelvic floor health and connection.


Pelvic floor health and connection are essential aspects of overall well-being and sexual pleasure. The pelvic floor refers to a group of muscles that support the pelvic organs, including the bladder, uterus, and rectum. These muscles play a crucial role in maintaining urinary and bowel control, as well as sexual function.


However, many individuals are disconnected from their pelvic floor and may not even be aware of its existence. This disconnection can lead to various issues, such as urinary incontinence, pelvic pain, and sexual dysfunction. Therefore, it is important to develop a strong connection with the pelvic floor and prioritize its health.


One way to connect with the pelvic floor is through deep breathing exercises. By taking slow, diaphragmatic breaths, individuals can engage the pelvic floor muscles and become more aware of their presence. As the diaphragm expands during inhalation, it gently pushes down on the pelvic floor, causing it to stretch and relax. Conversely, during exhalation, the pelvic floor contracts and lifts up.


Visualization is another powerful tool for connecting with the pelvic floor. By imagining the pelvic floor muscles and visualizing their movement, individuals can enhance their mind-body connection and develop a greater sense of control over these muscles. This visualization technique can be particularly helpful during sexual activities, as it allows individuals to be present in the moment and fully engage with their bodies.


Maintaining a healthy pelvic floor is crucial for both men and women. However, women may face unique challenges related to pregnancy, childbirth, and hormonal changes. Pregnancy and childbirth can weaken the pelvic floor muscles, leading to issues such as urinary incontinence and pelvic organ prolapse. Hormonal changes during menopause can also contribute to pelvic floor dysfunction.


To promote pelvic floor health, it is important to engage in regular pelvic floor exercises, also known as Kegel exercises. These exercises involve contracting and relaxing the pelvic floor muscles, strengthening them over time. Additionally, maintaining a healthy lifestyle, including a balanced diet and regular exercise, can support overall pelvic floor health.


In conclusion, pelvic floor health and connection are vital for overall well-being and sexual pleasure. By developing a strong connection with the pelvic floor through deep breathing exercises and visualization, individuals can enhance their mind-body connection and improve their sexual experiences. It is important to prioritize pelvic floor health through regular exercise and a healthy lifestyle. By doing so, individuals can maintain urinary and bowel control, prevent pelvic floor dysfunction, and enjoy a satisfying sex life.


Pelvic floor exercises improve sensation.


Pelvic floor exercises, also known as Kegel exercises, have been shown to improve sensation and overall pelvic floor health. The pelvic floor is a group of muscles that support the organs in the pelvic region, including the bladder, uterus, and rectum. These muscles play a crucial role in urinary and bowel control, as well as sexual function.


One of the key benefits of pelvic floor exercises is the improvement in sensation. The podcast transcript highlights the importance of deep breathing and visualization in connecting with the pelvic floor. By focusing on the sensations and movements within the pelvic floor during breathing exercises, individuals can develop a stronger mind-body connection and enhance their awareness of this often overlooked area of the body.


The podcast host mentions that some individuals may not initially feel any sensations or movements within the pelvic floor. However, with practice and the use of specific exercises, such as pelvic tilts, individuals can learn to engage and relax their pelvic floor muscles. Sitting on a stability ball is recommended as it provides a point of contact for the pelvic floor and helps prevent tightness that can occur when sitting on a chair.


The pelvic floor is described as a fan-shaped muscle that can stretch and contract in various directions. This flexibility is important for functions such as vaginal birth and orgasm. By practicing pelvic tilts and other exercises, individuals can strengthen and tone their pelvic floor muscles, allowing them to better control and engage these muscles during sexual activity.


The podcast also addresses common issues related to the pelvic floor, such as low tone, high tone, or a combination of both. Low tone refers to weak or untoned pelvic floor muscles, while high tone refers to overly tight muscles. Both conditions can lead to pelvic floor dysfunction and affect sexual function. By incorporating pelvic floor exercises into their routine, individuals can address these issues and improve their pelvic floor health.


The use of a stability ball is emphasized throughout the podcast as it provides feedback and enhances the effectiveness of the exercises. The ball allows for a full range of motion and stimulates the muscles and fascia of the pelvic floor. This feedback is crucial for individuals to better understand and connect with their pelvic floor muscles.


In addition to exercise, the podcast also highlights the importance of relaxation and letting go of tension in the pelvic floor. Many individuals may instinctively tighten their pelvic floor muscles during activities such as sex, but this can be counterproductive. The pelvic floor needs to be able to relax and lengthen in order to function properly.


Overall, the podcast emphasizes the importance of pelvic floor exercises in improving sensation and overall pelvic floor health. By incorporating deep breathing, visualization, and specific exercises into their routine, individuals can enhance their mind-body connection and enjoy a more satisfying sex life. It is important to prioritize pelvic floor health through regular exercise and a healthy lifestyle to maintain urinary and bowel control, prevent pelvic floor dysfunction, and enhance sexual pleasure.


Importance of pelvic floor exercises.


The podcast begins by discussing the experience of pelvic floor exercises and the positive effects they have on the body. The host shares their personal experience of feeling the benefits of deep breathing exercises and movement. They describe it as a pleasant sensation that becomes more noticeable with practice.


The guest speaker, Courtney, explains that pelvic floor exercises are similar to working out other muscles in the body. Just as we need to consistently exercise our abs to see results, we also need to consistently exercise our pelvic floor muscles to strengthen them. She compares the pelvic floor to a muscle and emphasizes the importance of developing and strengthening it over time.


Courtney introduces her brand new app, called the I-Core Method, which offers various types of pelvic floor exercises. She explains that there are better ways to work out the pelvic floor than just doing kegels. While kegels can be appropriate for some women, they may not be suitable for everyone. Courtney believes that kegels can make symptoms worse for women with a hypertonic pelvic floor or an imbalance in their pelvic floor muscles.


Instead, Courtney suggests training the pelvic floor through all ranges of motion. She explains that the pelvic floor has three layers and is very dynamic. It is important to incorporate eccentric and concentric contractions, which involve both tightening and lengthening the muscles. This is similar to how we exercise other muscles in the body, such as doing curls for the biceps.


Courtney's program includes using a ball to perform different pelvic floor exercises in various positions. She believes that using a ball adds instability, which requires the deep abdominals to stabilize the body. This not only strengthens the pelvic floor but also improves stability and body awareness. By training the pelvic floor in all planes of motion, individuals can improve the function of their pelvic organs, enhance sexual pleasure, and boost overall confidence.


The podcast concludes by highlighting the empowering and integrative nature of pelvic floor exercises. It is emphasized that these exercises can be incorporated into an individual's fitness routine, either at the beginning or end of a workout. By making pelvic floor exercises a habit, individuals can improve their mind-body connection and enhance their overall pelvic floor health.


In summary, the podcast stresses the importance of pelvic floor exercises in improving sensation and overall pelvic floor health. By incorporating these exercises into their routine, individuals can strengthen their pelvic floor muscles, improve stability, and enhance sexual pleasure. Prioritizing pelvic floor health through regular exercise and a healthy lifestyle is crucial for maintaining urinary and bowel control, preventing pelvic floor dysfunction, and enjoying a satisfying sex life.


Pelvic floor workouts empower women.


Pelvic floor workouts empower women by providing them with the tools and knowledge to take control of their pelvic health. The podcast highlights the significance of pelvic floor exercises in improving overall well-being and enhancing sexual pleasure. By incorporating these exercises into their daily routine, women can experience a range of benefits, including stronger pelvic floor muscles, improved stability, and increased confidence.


One of the key points emphasized in the podcast is the connection between pelvic floor health and overall fitness. The speaker mentions that pelvic floor workouts are a full-body workout, and they have not done sit-ups or crunches in over 20 years. This highlights the importance of the pelvic floor as a foundation for physical fitness and movement patterns. By prioritizing pelvic floor exercises, women can improve their overall fitness and become better movers, rather than focusing solely on aesthetic appearance.


Furthermore, the podcast discusses the impact of pelvic floor workouts on post-childbirth recovery. Childbirth can be physically demanding and can lead to various issues, such as weakened pelvic floor muscles. By engaging in pelvic floor exercises, women can address these issues and regain confidence in their bodies. The speaker shares her personal experience of fixing her post-childbirth issues through pelvic floor workouts and the subsequent improvements in posture, sex life, and orgasms.


In addition to physical benefits, the podcast also highlights the emotional and psychological empowerment that comes with pelvic floor workouts. The speaker emphasizes the importance of inner confidence and reconnecting with oneself. Pelvic floor exercises provide an opportunity for women to reclaim their power and embrace their womanhood. This is particularly significant for women who have experienced trauma, as pelvic floor workouts can serve as a way to heal and reconnect with their bodies.


The podcast also addresses the taboo nature of discussing pelvic floor health. The speaker acknowledges that many women feel embarrassed or uncomfortable talking about the pelvic floor due to societal norms and lack of education. However, she emphasizes the importance of breaking this silence and making pelvic floor health a priority. By normalizing conversations about the pelvic floor and promoting awareness, women can seek the necessary support and resources to address any issues they may be experiencing.


In conclusion, pelvic floor workouts empower women by providing them with the tools to improve their pelvic floor health and overall well-being. These exercises strengthen pelvic floor muscles, improve stability, and enhance sexual pleasure. By prioritizing pelvic floor health through regular exercise and a healthy lifestyle, women can maintain urinary and bowel control, prevent pelvic floor dysfunction, and enjoy a satisfying sex life. Additionally, pelvic floor workouts promote inner confidence and empower women to embrace their womanhood. It is essential to break the silence surrounding pelvic floor health and promote open conversations to ensure that all women have access to the support and resources they need.


Pelvic floor health is vital.


Pelvic floor health is vital for women's overall well-being and quality of life. The pelvic floor is a group of muscles, ligaments, and tissues that support the pelvic organs, including the bladder, uterus, and rectum. When these muscles are weak or dysfunctional, it can lead to a range of issues, including urinary incontinence, pelvic pain, and sexual dysfunction.


Unfortunately, there is a lack of awareness and conversation surrounding pelvic floor health. Many women grow up without ever discussing or even knowing about the importance of this part of their body. As a result, they may suffer in silence, not seeking help or support for their pelvic floor issues.


However, it is crucial to break this silence and promote open conversations about pelvic floor health. By doing so, women can become more informed and empowered to take control of their own well-being. This is why discussions like the one in the podcast transcript are so important.


Pelvic floor workouts are a key aspect of maintaining pelvic floor health. These exercises target and strengthen the pelvic floor muscles, improving their tone and function. By incorporating regular pelvic floor exercises into their routine, women can enhance stability, prevent pelvic floor dysfunction, and improve their overall pelvic floor health.


One of the benefits of pelvic floor workouts is the improvement in urinary and bowel control. Many women experience issues such as bladder leakage or difficulty with bowel movements, which can significantly impact their daily lives. By strengthening the pelvic floor muscles, women can regain control over these bodily functions and reduce or eliminate these problems.


In addition to improving physical health, pelvic floor workouts can also enhance sexual pleasure. The pelvic floor muscles play a crucial role in sexual function, including arousal, orgasm, and overall sexual satisfaction. By strengthening these muscles, women can experience increased sensitivity, stronger orgasms, and improved sexual confidence.


Furthermore, prioritizing pelvic floor health can have a positive impact on a woman's overall well-being and self-esteem. When women take the time to care for their pelvic floor, they are investing in their own health and happiness. This self-care practice promotes inner confidence and empowers women to embrace their womanhood.


It is important to note that pelvic floor health is not just relevant to women who have given birth. While childbirth is a significant risk factor for pelvic floor issues, women of all ages can experience pelvic floor dysfunction. Factors such as age, hormonal changes, and lifestyle choices can also contribute to pelvic floor problems. Therefore, it is essential for all women to prioritize their pelvic floor health, regardless of their life stage or reproductive history.


In conclusion, pelvic floor health is vital for women's overall well-being. Pelvic floor workouts empower women by providing them with the tools to improve their pelvic floor health and overall well-being. These exercises strengthen pelvic floor muscles, improve stability, and enhance sexual pleasure. By prioritizing pelvic floor health through regular exercise and a healthy lifestyle, women can maintain urinary and bowel control, prevent pelvic floor dysfunction, and enjoy a satisfying sex life. Additionally, pelvic floor workouts promote inner confidence and empower women to embrace their womanhood. It is essential to break the silence surrounding pelvic floor health and promote open conversations to ensure that all women have access to the support and resources they need.


Pelvic floor exercises improve health.


Pelvic floor exercises, also known as Kegel exercises, are a crucial component of women's health and well-being. The pelvic floor is a group of muscles that support the pelvic organs, including the bladder, uterus, and rectum. These muscles play a vital role in maintaining urinary and bowel control, sexual function, and overall stability in the pelvic region.


One of the main benefits of pelvic floor exercises is the strengthening of the pelvic floor muscles. Like any other muscle in the body, the pelvic floor muscles can become weak or loose over time, leading to various issues such as urinary incontinence, pelvic organ prolapse, and decreased sexual satisfaction. By regularly engaging in pelvic floor exercises, women can strengthen these muscles, improving their ability to control urinary and bowel functions, and preventing the onset of pelvic floor dysfunction.


Furthermore, pelvic floor exercises have been shown to enhance sexual pleasure. Strong pelvic floor muscles contribute to increased sensitivity and improved muscle control during sexual activity. This can lead to more intense orgasms and a greater sense of satisfaction in intimate relationships. By prioritizing pelvic floor health through regular exercise, women can enhance their sexual experiences and overall quality of life.


In addition to the physical benefits, pelvic floor workouts also promote inner confidence and empower women to embrace their womanhood. Many women experience embarrassment or shame when faced with pelvic floor issues, such as urinary incontinence. By addressing these concerns and actively working to improve pelvic floor health, women can regain control over their bodies and feel more confident in their daily lives.


It is important to note that pelvic floor exercises are not a one-size-fits-all solution. The frequency and intensity of these exercises may vary depending on factors such as age, pre-existing conditions, and individual responsiveness. However, incorporating pelvic floor workouts into a regular exercise routine, ideally five to seven days a week at first, can lead to significant improvements in pelvic floor health.


It is crucial to break the silence surrounding pelvic floor health and promote open conversations about this topic. Many women suffer in silence, unaware that there are solutions available to improve their pelvic floor health. By raising awareness and providing access to information and resources, women can gain the support they need to prioritize their pelvic floor health and overall well-being.


In conclusion, pelvic floor exercises are a powerful tool for improving women's health and well-being. These exercises strengthen pelvic floor muscles, improve stability, enhance sexual pleasure, and promote inner confidence. By prioritizing pelvic floor health through regular exercise and a healthy lifestyle, women can maintain urinary and bowel control, prevent pelvic floor dysfunction, and enjoy a satisfying sex life. It is essential to break the silence surrounding pelvic floor health and promote open conversations to ensure that all women have access to the support and resources they need.


Embrace discomfort for a great life.


Embracing discomfort is a key aspect of living a great life. It is through facing and addressing the areas of our lives that make us uncomfortable that we can truly grow and thrive. This is particularly evident when it comes to pelvic floor health and the importance of engaging in pelvic floor exercises.


The podcast transcript highlights the significance of embracing discomfort in order to achieve a great life. It emphasizes the need to be fully transparent about the uncomfortable areas of our lives, such as incontinence. By openly discussing these issues with healthcare professionals or seeking support from communities, individuals can find the necessary resources and guidance to improve their quality of life.


The conversation also touches upon the discomfort and embarrassment that can arise when discussing topics like sex and pelvic floor health. However, it emphasizes the importance of tackling these uncomfortable areas head-on. By addressing what makes us uncomfortable, we often realize that we are not alone in our experiences. There is a vast network of support available for individuals going through similar challenges, whether they are related to pelvic floor issues, financial struggles, or relationship difficulties. Recognizing this support can alleviate feelings of isolation and empower individuals to take action and improve their circumstances.


The podcast also highlights the role of courage in pursuing uncomfortable conversations and areas of our lives. It takes courage to address the uncomfortable and seek support, but it is through these uncomfortable conversations that we can bridge the gap from a good life to a great life. By acknowledging and facing our discomfort, we can make positive changes and create a life that is truly satisfying.


One specific area of discomfort that the podcast focuses on is pelvic floor health. The conversation touches on the role of kegel exercises in strengthening the pelvic floor muscles and enhancing sexual pleasure. It emphasizes the importance of not only tightening but also relaxing the pelvic floor muscles to achieve stronger orgasms. The podcast encourages individuals to prioritize pelvic floor health and offers exercises and techniques to help individuals master these exercises and achieve a state of flow in their movement.


In conclusion, embracing discomfort is essential for living a great life. By addressing the uncomfortable areas of our lives, such as pelvic floor health, we can improve our overall well-being and enhance our quality of life. It is important to break the silence surrounding these topics and promote open conversations to ensure that all individuals have access to the support and resources they need. By embracing discomfort and taking action, individuals can experience greater satisfaction and fulfillment in every area of their lives.


Pelvic floor exercises for pleasure.


Pelvic floor exercises are often associated with health benefits such as improving bladder control, preventing pelvic organ prolapse, and aiding in postpartum recovery. However, there is another aspect of pelvic floor exercises that is often overlooked – pleasure. In a recent podcast, the hosts discussed the connection between pelvic floor exercises and sexual pleasure, shedding light on the importance of pelvic floor health for a satisfying sex life.


The podcast hosts emphasized the idea of tapping into the body's natural flow and strengthening the pelvic floor muscles to enhance sexual experiences. They discussed how being in a state of flow can lead to increased pleasure and the ability to have multiple orgasms. The hosts encouraged listeners to explore their own bodies and find what feels pleasurable to them, without worrying about their partner's expectations.


One exercise that was suggested was getting on top during sexual activity and experimenting with different movements and positions. By relaxing the pelvic floor muscles and allowing for deep penetration, individuals can explore what feels best for them. The hosts recommended trying front-to-back pelvic tilts or circular motions to find the most pleasurable sensations.


It was also mentioned that pelvic floor exercises can help open up nerve pathways and increase sensation in the pelvic region. By restoring proper tone and strength to the pelvic floor muscles, individuals may experience heightened pleasure and a greater ability to have cervical orgasms. The hosts suggested that some women may not be aware of their ability to have internal orgasms and encouraged them to explore this aspect of their sexuality.


The hosts acknowledged that not all women are able to have cervical orgasms, but most can tap into this pleasure with the right techniques and pelvic floor work. They emphasized the importance of restoring the appropriate tone in the pelvic floor muscles, which is characterized by a balance between strength and relaxation. Just as a tight hamstring is dysfunctional, a tight pelvic floor can also lead to dysfunction and decreased pleasure.


Overall, the podcast highlighted the significance of pelvic floor exercises for pleasure and encouraged listeners to embrace discomfort and explore their own bodies. By addressing pelvic floor health and engaging in exercises to strengthen and relax these muscles, individuals can enhance their sexual experiences and achieve greater satisfaction. The hosts stressed the importance of open conversations and breaking the silence surrounding these topics to ensure that everyone has access to the support and resources they need.


In conclusion, embracing discomfort is essential for living a great life. By addressing the uncomfortable areas of our lives, such as pelvic floor health, we can improve our overall well-being and enhance our quality of life. It is important to break the silence surrounding these topics and promote open conversations to ensure that all individuals have access to the support and resources they need. By embracing discomfort and taking action, individuals can experience greater satisfaction and fulfillment in every area of their lives.


Relaxing pelvic floor is important.


The podcast transcript highlights the importance of relaxing the pelvic floor. The speakers emphasize that while it is commonly believed that a tight pelvic floor is desirable, being able to relax the pelvic floor is equally important. They explain that many women carry a lot of stress in their pelvic floor and often clench it without realizing it, especially during times of stress or fear. This excessive tension can lead to strain and spasms, making it difficult for the pelvic floor to function properly.


The speakers also discuss the benefits of having a strong and relaxed pelvic floor. They explain that when the pelvic floor is strong and able to contract and relax with strengthful directions, it can enhance sexual pleasure for both partners. They emphasize that a tight pelvic floor may not provide the same level of strength and pleasure during orgasm and penetration. Therefore, it is important to focus on strengthening and relaxing the pelvic floor to achieve optimal sexual satisfaction.


To address the issue of pelvic floor health, the speakers introduce an app called iCar Method. They explain that the app offers various programs and resources to help individuals improve their pelvic floor health. These programs range from paleo meal plans to anti-inflammatory and intuitive eating guides. Additionally, there is a 90-day pelvic floor challenge in collaboration with Ashley Black, the creator of Fascia Blasters. This challenge includes weekly lives, workouts, fascia blasting tutorials, and a private Facebook group, providing a comprehensive approach to pelvic floor restoration.


The speakers emphasize that the combination of addressing both the muscular and fascial aspects of the pelvic floor is unique and promising. They express excitement about the potential for women to experience a complete restoration of their pelvic floor through this holistic approach. They also mention the importance of community and accountability in this journey, encouraging listeners to join the challenge and connect with others who are also working on improving their pelvic floor health.


In conclusion, the podcast highlights the significance of relaxing the pelvic floor for overall well-being and sexual satisfaction. It emphasizes the need to break the silence surrounding pelvic floor health and promote open conversations. By embracing discomfort and taking action, individuals can experience greater satisfaction and fulfillment in every area of their lives. The availability of resources like the iCar Method app and the 90-day pelvic floor challenge provide individuals with the support and guidance they need to improve their pelvic floor health.


Join challenge for pelvic floor transformation.


The podcast begins by expressing excitement about an upcoming challenge for pelvic floor transformation. The host and guests plan to participate in exercises and fascia blasting to improve their pelvic floor health. They invite listeners to join the challenge at any time, emphasizing that it is never too late to start. One of the guests shares her personal motivation for joining the challenge, as she wants to have a multi-orgasmic honeymoon after getting married.


The podcast mentions that the Pleasure Positive podcast is offering a free month on their app for anyone who wants to join the challenge. They provide a website link where listeners can find more information and enroll in the challenge. The host expresses gratitude to Courtney, the creator of the iCoreMethod and the guest on the podcast, for gifting the community with the opportunity for a free month on the app.


The conversation continues with the announcement that the pelvic floor challenge will officially start in September. The host and guests discuss their excitement and the potential for transformation in not just the pelvic floor, but in all areas of life. They emphasize the importance of Courtney's expertise and resources in guiding individuals through the pelvic floor conversation.


The podcast encourages listeners to follow iCoreMethod on social media for educational content and valuable information. They highlight Courtney's Instagram feed as a wealth of free education on pelvic floor health. The host praises Courtney for her dedication to educating and empowering women, mentioning the blog posts she writes on various topics related to pelvic floor health and sexuality.


In conclusion, the podcast highlights the significance of relaxing the pelvic floor for overall well-being and sexual satisfaction. It emphasizes the need to break the silence surrounding pelvic floor health and promote open conversations. By embracing discomfort and taking action, individuals can experience greater satisfaction and fulfillment in every area of their lives. The availability of resources like the iCoreMethod app and the 90-day pelvic floor challenge provide individuals with the support and guidance they need to improve their pelvic floor health.


Talk about pelvic floor health.


The podcast begins by encouraging listeners to reach out to Courtney, who is an expert in pelvic floor health, with any questions they may have. It acknowledges that sometimes questions arise after the conversation has ended, and provides options for contacting Courtney either through direct messaging on Instagram or via email. This demonstrates the podcast's commitment to inclusivity and ensuring that everyone feels comfortable in seeking information and support.


The hosts of the podcast then discuss the taboo nature of pelvic floor health and how it should not be seen as embarrassing or off-limits to discuss. They emphasize that nothing is too taboo and that open conversations about pelvic floor dysfunction are necessary for growth, learning, healing, and connection. By breaking the silence surrounding this topic, individuals can gain a better understanding of their bodies and seek the help they need.


The podcast also highlights the prevalence of pelvic floor dysfunction, mentioning that millions of women in the US experience it. This further emphasizes the importance of addressing this issue openly and providing support and resources for those affected.


The hosts express their excitement for future collaborations with Courtney, indicating that they will continue to discuss pelvic floor health on Instagram Live sessions. They also mention a partnership with Ashley Black and a larger Facebook group community for a 90-day pelvic floor challenge. This shows that there are resources available for individuals to actively work on improving their pelvic floor health and connect with others going through similar experiences.


In conclusion, the podcast highlights the significance of relaxing the pelvic floor for overall well-being and sexual satisfaction. It emphasizes the need to break the silence surrounding pelvic floor health and promote open conversations. By embracing discomfort and taking action, individuals can experience greater satisfaction and fulfillment in every area of their lives. The availability of resources like the iCoreMethod app and the 90-day pelvic floor challenge provide individuals with the support and guidance they need to improve their pelvic floor health.